I'm David Wright. For over 25 years, I've dedicated my career specifically to the study, practice and implementation of employee communications and business success through its employees.
In that time, working with dozens of companies, from global Fortune 100 companies to regional non-profits, I've seen how challenging communication can be. I've also seen communication plans that were built to inform, entertain, celebrate leaders...but often not to "work." That is to say, plans that focus on communication as the goal, rather than a means to an end. It's a bit like talking about how great a fire truck is while the building burns down.
Our ability to reach people has never been greater than it is today. Technology is making connection easier every year. However, what we say has also never been more scrutinized, challenged or "drowned out" by competing messages. We cannot win using volume and quantity, but we can win with authenticity and quality.
At WrightEngage, I wanted to provide a resource to professionals who want to deliver through connection with their people. We are dedicated to making business successful using the tools of communication, change management, and training, not to selling another communication plan.
One of our mantras at WrightEngage is:
It's not what you want to say, it's what you want your team to hear, understand and repeat.
This mindset can radically improve your success and affects the language you use, the channels you select and, most importantly, the messages you reinforce in words and actions every day.
"Communication that Works" isn't just a slogan-it's a guiding principle.
Too often, we see communications programs designed simply to entertain, generate information, or check a box. We use the tools of external marketing and advertising with people who are supposed to on "our side." While well-meaning and intentioned, the damage to trust, engagement and innovation through untargeted, irrelevant and PR messaging will have the impact of driving a wedge between the organization and the very people who are responsible for its success.
WrightEngage only focuses on internal communication. Combining business consulting with deep expertise in change and culture, we know how to bridge the needs of employees to actual performance behaviors and business results. We think your communication should be a means to an end, not the end itself.
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